The Piano Chord Wheel is available in our members area, as well as our Adventure Pack- "Teacher's Friend"
My family moved this last weekend and it has been rather crazy, packing things up, unpacking things, filling an empty fridge, etc, and I simply haven't had time to create a new printable for you this time, so I'm bringing back our all-time most popular printable and hope you'll understand until next time. The video below sums it up how it works.

Personal Update
I usually try to stay away from my personal life on this website, but the things that are happening are very relevant to our future growth so a personal update is in order.
Those who have followed the blog have probably recognized the classic RV look in the background of some of our videos. We lived in an RV for almost a year and we loved that adventure. However, we weren't making enough money for that lifestyle to be sustainable and needed a change. During this period my computer-savy husband made a lot of fantastic updates to the site, helping it run smoother and helping me build up the membership and affiliate side of things. I'm so glad those things are in place because I would have really struggled to set all of that up on my own. But they're in place now and his role on this website will be minimal moving forward because he has a new job and needs to focus his efforts there.
But trust me, I'm not going anywhere and I am excited about some of the opportunities our new situation will give us for the growth of our website. If there's one thing I've learned hosting giveaways every week, it's that physical items are more popular than online items. This surprised me, but it's true. A $27 parachute and a $35 ukulele generated more excitement than the far more valuable (and far more awesome in my opinion) online memberships to Preschool Prodigies, my own website (hosted over at Preschool Prodigies, still running through May 2nd!), and the computer software Little Musician (still active through April 29th).
Well, now we're living in a home where we could store inventory and our increased family income will give us a little flexibility to invest in creating physical products including but not limited to board books, DVDs, and lesson books. Maybe even the cooperative board game and playing cards that have been sitting on the back burner!
I will also get back into teaching live lessons to more than more own children and I am looking forward to that as well. Better guinea pigs will mean more polished products for you. So that about sums up where we are right now. Thanks for giving me a week off while we move. 🙂
this is super amazing thanks for sharing…