Theory & Ear Training

Miscellaneous Theory Collection

1 Module 1 Chapter 5 Lessons Easy

About this course

S Frank Stringham and I have been working on a chord-reading course that integrates well with the color-coding program we have been using.  These flash-cards are something like a sneak-peak, since we decided the best way to develop our program is to build the resources and manipulatives first, and then explain how to use and present them.The flashcards below show the names of the notes of every diatonic triad in C major, as well as the G7th chord.  I'm a big fan of giant manipulatives since they are ideal for classroom use, and are especially attractive to younger children.  The Full-Sized flashcards are 8.5" by 11", and the smaller flashcards are 4 per page.  I hope they will be useful for you!

Download the chords for C Major Here:

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