Introducing "The Solfege Train"
An e-course and more you can print from your computer!
150+ printables organized into folders for ease of use. Only $25.00!
Childern of all ages love the large, color-coded activities.
For $25.00, you will gain instant access to all of the contents of the original “The Solfege Train”, which includes solfege learning, note reading, learning about music opposites, and more. Our 48-page instructional e-book will get you started. The printables are organized in separate folders from the e-book for easier reading.
Some of the activities include:
- Pre-reading exercises
- Line verses Space Notes
- Beginning Rhythm Activities
- Beat verses Rhythm
- Color-coded sheet music
- Magnetic note activities
- Giant gross moter activities
- Activities for learning musical opposites (high-low, fast-slow, loud-quiet)
- Short, simple lessons (as little as a minute or two a day!)
Large, color-coded activities make early learning music concepts easier to grasp and are fun for students and teachers alike. From a giant solfege path, rhythm puzzles, matching games, musical opposites and more, our manipulative set covers the gamut for beginning students.
"The Solfege Train" e-book is 48 page as includes:
- Instructions on how to make and use the manipulatives, contained in a separate folder.
- A suggested course outline
- Trouble-shooting guides for tricky concepts,
- Tips for maintaining your child's interest
- My own experience with the material.
There are plenty of supplemental games and activities. Check it out!
Note Magnet Activities
Make your own magnetic games for your students. Use on our staves from pre-reading to the grand staff. Includes color or black and white, solfege or note names, as well as plain black notes.
Color-Coded Piano Inserts
Six different piano inserts to choose from. Use these inserts behind the piano keys for learning solfege or the letter names of the keys.
Solfege Circles
Make a musical path, play hopscotch or a modified twister with these fun solfege circles. Print on colored paper to save on ink, laminate, and enjoy a permanent gross-motor activity to get those wiggles out!
Musical Solfege Stairs
Put these solfege triangles on your staircase and watch as children spontaneously sing the scale as they walk up and down your staircase.
Nursery Rhymes
There are eleven nursery rhymes in six different formats, including solfege or nursery rhymes, color or black and white, and different keys (primarily C and D major). These melodies feature simple, two-note accompaniments which are great for Orff instruments!
Rhythm Activities
Learn the quarter-note, quarter rest, and eighth notes. Build your own rhythms in our puzzle grids, and learn the rhythm for "Rain, rain, Go Away".
Rainbow Castle Game
Reminiscent of Candy Land, players draw colored notes on the staff and move their pawns to the appropriate note on the piano. What a fun way to familiarize pre-readers with note reading on the staff!
Pre-Reading Exercises
Our Pre-reading exercises focus on So-Mi-La, which make the easiest intervals for our ears to hear- the minor-third, the major-second, and the perfect fourth.
Musical Opposites
Learn all about the musical opposites of fast and slow, high and low, and loud and soft with our simple games and activities.
Meet Guido d'Arezzo
Guido d'Arezzo was the famous monk who invented music notation and gave us solfege. Learn more about him in this simple Power-Point Presentation, also available as a printable PDF.
Solfege Chains
Solfege Chains are sight-reading exercises with only capital letters to represent the notes to be sung. M for "Mi", S for "So", and so forth. These exercises are especially fun to sing as a round or as an echo game.
Rainbow Matching Game
Match color-coded cards onto our giant colored piano. This activity is especially good for very young learners who are also learning their colors.
Get instant access to
The Solfege Train!
Our printables are organized into folders for easy reference and use. Save time and energy and never worry about loosing materials or wearing them out- you can always print more!
The Solfege Train taught me more about music theory than 10 years of piano lessons.
-Alison Brown
"I love The Solfege Train, which I bought from Tamsyn a year ago. With this membership, it's available both as a book and printables, if you want to use it screen free, which was important to me when I got it, or as interactive videos, which are the way we're going now.
"Seriously, learning Moveable Do with the Solfege Train taught me more about music theory than 10 years of piano lessons. It teaches ear training and theory, two things I'm seriously weak on, in a very [Early Learning] way (my 2 year old does fine).
"And there's even more stuff I haven't even looked at yet! I'm really excited about it!"
Watch our video tour for more information.
This video tour will give you the low down on what materials are included and how to use them.
Get instant access to The Solfege Train now!
"The Solfege Train" has been our most popular product.
Remember, for $25.00 you will be getting:
- The Solfege Train e-book with full instructions for making and using the manipulatives, including a suggested course outline.
- 11 Nursery Rhymes in 6 different formats
- Color-coded staff reading games with movable manipulatives
- Rhythm verses Beat and beginning rhythm concepts
- Gross motor activities
- And much more!