Introducing "Beginning Rhythm"
An e-course and more you can print from your computer!
100's of printables organized into folders for ease of use. Only $10.00!
Childern of all ages love the large, clean fonts of these rhythm activities.
$10.00 Offer Below
For $10.00, you will gain instant access to all of the contents of the original “Beginning Rhythm”, which has been updated to include more time signatures, more notes and note combinations, and a 35-page instructional e-book, “Beginning Rhythm”. The printables in this version have been separated from the e-book for easier reading, and are contained in separate files.
Some of the tools I use include:
- Stick Notation
- French rhythm solfege (Ta, Ti-Ti, Ta-ah)
- Body and instrument percussion
- Simple rhythmic elements- this is a beginning course!
- Extention activities and games to hold your child's interest
- Short, simple lessons (as little as a minute or two a day!)
Extra-large fonts set this program apart.
I have used and tested all of these materials with my piano students and further adapted it into a course as I used them to teach my own children. It works! The tools used in this course are widely known and used by many professional musicians. They have a proven track record for success. The special benefit of THIS course is that the elements have been further simplified with large, clean fonts. This is ideal for teaching very young children through senior citizens, as well as classroom use. All ages love the simplicity of larger fonts.
The I've Got Rhythm" e-book is 35 page as includes:
- Instructions on how to use the manipulatives, contained in a separate folder.
- A suggested order for teaching
- Trouble-shooting guides for tricky concepts,
- Tips for maintaining your child's interest
- My own experience with the material.
In addition to the course,
There are supplemental games and activities.
Check it out!
Rhythm Bingo
Rhythm Bingo comes with one master sheet and 15 individual bingo cards. Here are a few things that you can do with the bingo cards:
- Play the rhythms left to right as a sight reading exercise.
- Cover all notes except one column and tell your students that you are going to play one of the rhythms and let them tell you which one you played.
- You pick a row, the student picks a row, play your rows together as a duet. Choose different instruments!
- Oh yeah, you can play bingo too.
Measure Cards
There are a myriad of ways that you can use these 133 measures of printouts. They are written in 4/4, 3/4, and 6/8 meter. There are three sizes to choose from, full letter size, quarter page, and 1/16th. The largest size is best for classroom use and very young children. The medium cards are best for young children in studio use. The smallest ones are nice for a travel bag, older students, and puzzle exercises. Here are a few ways you can use them:
- Flashcards
- Printout individual measures that coincide with a tricky rhythm in a song your students are learning.
- Printout an extra copy of the time signatures in "I've got rhythm". Laminate them and have the student match the time signature with the measure cards.
- Use as a puzzle to put together the first few measures of a song. Speak or clap the rhythm.
- Play a classroom circle game where each student gets their own measure card and must recognize when another player says their rhythm and then correctly say another student's rhythm or be "out".
Nursery Rhymes
Learn the rhythms for 8 different nursery rhymes in four different time signatures. Each rhyme is learned in different stages, as shown in the video below.
The nursery rhymes are as follows:
- Mary had a little lamb (2/4 time)
- Rain, Rain, Go Away (2/4)
- America (3/4)
- Lavander Blue (3/4)
- Twinkle Little Star (4/4)
- Ring around the Rosies (4/4)
- Hickory Dickory Dock (6/8)
- Humpty Dumpty (6/8)
"Oh, I wish I had had these when I was teaching, but I certainly will when I teach again! I can remember not playing rhythm bingo because I didn’t want to make that many cards for the students. And of course, here they are all made up! I can remember having to make all sorts of duplicates for various games. The quality of these cards are fantastic, and if I ever lose the printables, my computer will always have a backup! I wish I were teaching music right now so I could get in and use them, but I know my daughter will love these. In fact, I need to recommend them to the music teachers I know. They are worth any expense–they are so simple and easy to use."
Watch our video tour for more information.
This video tour will give you the low down on what materials are included and how to use them.
"Even though the Beginning Rhythm was originally marketed for small children it became clear that children and adults of all ages could benefit from using the system. The set up and design is easy to use and understand making it simple to get started and fun to keep going...
"Xander just had his 12th Birthday Party and the Beginning Rhythm Bingo Game was a BIG HIT at his party with all his friends, and the adults too!"
She felt like she was gaining special knowledge
-Rebecca Harmon. Full Review on
"You’re kids will have lots of fun learning about music and rhythm with these super games like Rhythm Bingo and learning through the popular children’s Nursery Rhymes. This portion of the Beginning Rhythm e-Product completely delighted my four year old! She felt like she was gaining special knowledge in music about her favorite Nursery Rhymes and was very proud to show her father what she had learned when he came home that day!"
Get instant access to our Beginning Rhythm Program now!
Remember, for $10.00 you will be getting:
- The Beginning Rhythm e-book and manipulatives
- Rhythm Bingo
- 133 Measure Cards in 3 different time signatures, with 3 sizes to choose from
- Nursery Rhyme Rhythm Sheets for 8 different songs featuring 4 different time signatures.