NOTE: The materials to this product are no longer available separately, they have been rolled into the Membership site.
- Play the rhythms left to right as a sight-reading exercise
- Cover all notes except one column and tell your student that you are going to play one of the rhythms and let them tell you which one you played.
- Play bingo!
- Try three different levels for your students, Easiest: Rhythm solfege. Medium: Clapping or percussion instrument, Hardest: Say and Play
There are a myriad of ways that you can use these 133 measures of printouts. There are three sizes, full letter sizes, ¼ of that, and again, ¼ of the medium sized ones. The large sized cards are best for classroom use, as well as for very young children. The medium cards are best for young children in studio use. The small ones are nice for a travel bag, older students, and puzzle exercises. There are 56 cards for 4/4 meter (which coincide with “I’ve got rhythm” and “Bingo”), available with or without numbers. There are 33 cards for 3/4 meter, and 50 for 6/8 meter. Each is available individually if you want to single out a measure for specific use, or in a bulk file if you want to just print them all out. Be prepared for a lot of printing! Here are just a few ways that you can use these cards:
- Flashcards
- Printout (or separate from your stack) individual measures that coincide with a song that you want to teach to help students isolate a tricky rhythm.
- Give several students one card each. Have them stand in a circle and say their respective measure. Then play this game: One student says somebody else’s rhythm in the circle. That person has to recognize that the rhythm notated was theirs, and they in turn will say a new person’s rhythm. If the person saying the rhythm says it incorrectly, they are out. If a person fails to recognize their own rhythm when it is spoken correctly, they are also out. Last two players win. (This game is especially tricky when played with 3/4 and 6/8 cards played at the same time. Call the game “Syncopation!”)
- Printout an extra copy of the time signatures in “I’ve got rhythm”. Laminate them, and have the student match the time signature with the measure cards. (This exercise involves the combined use of all meters. Note that none of these measure cards are in 2/4)
- Use as a puzzle to put together the first few measures of a song. Speak or clap the rhythm.
The nursery rhymes are as follows:
Wow–That's a lot of stuff for $10.
Well, I learn from you, Dad.
Tamsyn lvoed going through your blog and wartching all your you tube videos breakfast time with the kids . You have a lovely family , beautiful kids . I love those music games , my kids are asking for them now . I am doing soft mozart with the kids and have changed the icons in Little musician to solfege icons do re mi . Do you think it is possible for you to make those available in your ebook .
This product actually focuses only on rhythm, and the "rainbow castle" was thrown in for fun. There is a solfege version included.<br><br>I tried to isolate rhythm alone for simplicity.<br><br>You may be happy to know that I'm about a week away from releasing a new product that is all about solfege, and the colors are perfectly compatible with Little Musician. I'm really
Hello your program looks amazing to help my young students. Where can I buy it? The site didn't work.